Border Perspective

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The Future of Border Perspective

In early 2017, Border Perspective started as a seeking journey for myself and my brother Jordan. After our initial border trip and learning about the lack of biblical response to the immigration crisis on our southern border, we set out to rethink how the Church could engage this conversation. Since then, Border Perspective has become a ministry that is intentionally helping bring a balanced faith approach to a highly polarized conversation.

Today, we couldn’t be more excited to announce that Border Perspective is joining forces with YouthWorks, a division of Real Resources! Becoming a part of this family of ministries will accelerate our peacemaking vision to empower people of faith on how to respond to immigrants among us, the most vulnerable, and those displaced on our Southern Border.

We launched Border Perspective because we believe that we can better equip and steward the mobilization of the church. All while staying focused on creating great educational experiences and ministry resources that will help drive the church forward in engaging tough issues.

We are excited about combining with an established organization that has an exceptional approach to ministry. Our mission remains unchanged. This move strengthens our peacemaking initiatives and will create an even better ministry future for Border Perspective.

As for the Moya family, we’re not going anywhere. In fact, the support of YouthWorks will only help our long term goal to continue stewarding our role of leading our ministry efforts in the front lines.

In 2020, we are launching six Border Journey trips (for adults & church leaders) and six Service Learning trips (for student & adult groups). We invite you to partner alongside us in this critical moment. All of the details on how you can join or bring your group on a border trip are now listed on our website.

Thank you for being part of our journey over the last few years. We have built Border Perspective with you, and we wouldn’t be here without you. We’re thrilled to start this new chapter and we hope you are, too.

Yonathan Moya

Founder & Executive Director