Beautifully designed phone backgrounds for yourself, or as a resource of hope and peace for your community during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Read MoreWe will get through this together, one day at a time.
Read MoreSo, what does the Bible say? What can scripture teach us about how we should respond to the foreigner as followers of Christ.
Read MoreBorder Perspective joins forces with YouthWorks!
Read MoreOn August 23, I traveled to the South Texas border with Sandra from Worth Manifesto, to deliver 3,000+ welcome/hygiene kits to organizations working with asylum-seeking families.
Ali Noorani centered yet open approach is key to move beyond the wheel-spinning gridlock where we currently find ourselves as a nation and instead pull together towards solutions which upbuild both those who have lived in America for generations as well as those who are newcomers.
Read MoreThis shoe exchange was experienced by Marciana Heemstra on a hot April day at The Refuge in McAllen, TX. The boy’s history is a compilation of stories our team gleaned throughout our border journey, plus bit of research.
Read MoreIn this book, we find many striking parallels between the stories of immigrants in the Bible and the story of immigrants today, which brings to life the ancient stories in new ways and also adds a weightiness to the lives of modern day immigrants when we imagine heroes of the faith being among them.
Read MoreMay we always keep perspective: we are not the savior, but we know a Savior who is a friend of sinners, a man of sorrows, and well-acquainted with grief. He is our companion as we walk with our immigrant friends through highs and lows, through grief and joy. “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12).
Read MoreAuthor Cindy M. Wu reminds us of the fact that "it would be a mistake to view refugees as a monolithic horde of faceless people. The word 'refugee' is not a label we should use to completely define someone… Followers of Jesus believe that, ultimately, refugees are people made in the image of God"
Read MoreIf you’ve ever wondered how to live in light of the biblical command to “show hospitality to strangers” (Hebrews 13:2) or if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the issues and want a simple way to move forward in proactive love, this book is for you!
Read MoreRefugees, Migrants, Asylum Seekers - What's the Difference?
Read MoreThe ministry of immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico Border. The Moyas have spent twenty years ministering to families and constructing and equipping churches across the South Texas and Mexico border.